Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dental tips for the Holidays

The holidays are a busy time when it is especially important to have good dental hygiene. Sometimes one is so wrapped up in family gatherings that it is easy to forget other things that are just as important. From Halloween to New Years it is especially important to be proactive in keeping up with dental hygiene. For this reason it is very useful to know a few dental maintenance tips for the holidays.

First and foremost it is advised that one watch the liquids that are consumed. Often times at holiday dinners, there will be a cooler or fridge full of sodas, juice cocktails, and sweet tea. Water is typically at the bottom of the list when it comes to everyones favourite beverages. Not surprisingly, plain water is often so overlooked that one finds the need to draw from the tap. Water is good because it keeps you hydrated, this helps the mouth to naturally clean itself and to have a really good PH. One good tip I once heard was, always drink two parts of water for every one part of soda, tea, etc. This is so that you will both stay adequately hydrated, and reduce desires for sweet drinks. 

Equally as important as staying hydrated, sweets are an item that is abundant and just about mandatory for any proper holiday get together. Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, homemade fudge, you name it. Desserts are often even more emphasized than the main dish at holiday parties. The consistency of these sweets however, is often what makes them a hazard to enamel. For example, pies and cookies both have a texture to them that is sticky and gooey. This will cause the food to get stuck on crowns and in between teeth easily where they are not easily moved away. When one is done eating, it is advised to have a glass of water and swig it around a few times. If you'd like to take even more precaution, you might could chew a piece of xylitol gum to get an extra clean feeling.

Last but not least, there is one final thing you can do for good dental health during the holidays. That is to make sure your mouth is clean before going to bed. Sleep often last for many hours at a time. During this time the mouth can be in either a remineralization like state or a demineralization like state. The first state is acquired by having a clean mouth, and by being adequately hydrated. The second one demineralization, is one in which acids from foods and bacteria are left to sit throughout the night. This will very much increase chances of causing cavities and is the very stuff dental caries are made of. This holiday season remember that going to bed sufficiently hydrated and with a clean mouth is especially important for good dental health.

The holidays are a best-ever time to have good memories with family and enjoy a variety of great foods. While it is a great joy to share these foods and enjoy them, you do not want to share them with dental bacteria. They will digest the food and leave the corrosive byproduct known as lactic acid. Follow these dental tips this holiday season and you will indeed insure great dental health for many holidays to come.


  1. Merry Christmas to you :) Hoping for a healthy holidays!

  2. Thank You Rex. Wishing you a happy holiday as well.

  3. The dentist has treated my each and every need. The procedure was painless, and I haven't had any trouble at all. He is always ahead of the curve in terms of latest technology and equipment

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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