Invisalign is an alternative to braces. Invisalign works by utilizing multiple clear aligners over a period of time to straighten teeth. Invisalign is actually touted as a fantastic substitute to braces. It's most recognized perk being that the aligners are clear and thus not as visible or invasive as braces.
Invisalign aligners are meant to be changed out weekly. Since they can be easily removed, they make dental hygiene much easier when compared to traditional braces. As a result of their design, you also do not have to avoid certain foods as with braces. Invisalign is also very convenient in that you will not have to visit the orthodontist for check-ups as much as if you had braces.
I'd like to add to this by discussing the introductory fitting process for Invisalign aligners. In your initial appointment with your doctor, you can expect a few things. First, you can expect to be put through teeth impressions as well as x-rays. The reason for this being that this information needs to be sent to a laboratory. The laboratory will then use state-of-the-art technology to map out your teeth alignment plan. Secondly, you will meet with your dentist to discuss your new regimen.
The Invisalign aligners are to be worn for about twenty to twenty-two hours per day. The only time they should be taken off is when you are flossing or brushing. Over the entire course of your prescription, you can expect to cycle through about twenty to thirty aligners per each your bottom and top teeth. The mean cost of the entire Invisalign treatment various, but can be around three to eight thousand dollars. This cost fluctuates depending on insurance and the producer of your aligners.
You can also expect to see your orthodontist every four to six weeks. This is so they can check up on your progress and give you a new set of aligners. The timeframe of treatment varies, however, many find that their teeth have shifted into the desired position within twelve to sixteen months. This time is generally greater than braces which have a timeframe of sometimes less than twelve months. Generally, the better you stay on top of your prescribed plan, the more productive your progress will be.
Invisalign is a wonderful alternative to braces. You will have the benefits of not only less dentist visits and but also less intrusiveness on your teeth. If you are curious about Invisalign, ask your dentist about them today. That way you can get your smile straightened to the desired position and be happier and thus healthier.
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