Sunday, July 6, 2014

Causes and Treatment of Cavities

More often than not, people take oral health for granted believing it plays a minor role in our being. But little do people know that proper oral health is very important. Without proper oral health, we could not smile, eat, or speak with confidence. The most prevalent oral disease is dental cavities.

Dental cavities or tooth decay occurs when bacteria de-mineralizes the tooth structure leading to cavity formation. The severity of pain felt depends on the extent of the cavity; it could be a dull, throbbing, sharp, shooting, spontaneous or triggered pain. During the first symptom of pain, the patient must have a dental consultation to prevent worsening of the condition.

Treatment depends on the extent of the dental cavity

Permanent treatment of the cavity can be done by a dentist inside a dental clinic. Some of the permanent treatment of dental cavities include dental restorations, dental crowns, and root canal treatment.

Dental restorations are usually tooth-colored and are used on small to moderate-sized dental cavities. This is a simple one appointment procedure wherein the decayed part of the tooth is removed and replaced by the tooth-colored filling material.

Dental crowns are placed on a tooth that has been compromised; a lot of tooth structure has been damaged. It serves as a ‘cap’ to cover and protect the tooth. This procedure would need more appointments. In addition to the removal of the decayed part of the tooth, the tooth is reduced in size to be able to accommodate the crown.

When a tooth has experienced a spontaneous sharp shooting pain, additional treatment is needed: root canal treatment. A spontaneous sharp shooting pain is felt when the nerves and blood vessels inside the canal of the tooth have been affected by bacteria. In order to prevent further infection and alleviate pain, removal of the nerves and blood vessels, as well as thorough cleaning of the canals, are needed. Once the canals are cleaned, the placement of a biocompatible material within the canals is done. A dental restoration or crown is placed on top of the canals to completely seal and prevent reinfection of bacteria.

It goes without saying that the best way to avoid cavities is prevention.

How do we prevent oral diseases such as dental cavities?

Proper tooth brushing and flossing

The most common way to prevent tooth decay is by practicing daily tooth-brushing and flossing. Tooth-brushing and flossing is done to mechanically remove any debris on the tooth surface. Flossing is very important because it reaches in between teeth and removes debris along that area. This will prevent bacteria build-up that causes tooth decay.

Regular dental visits

Even when a patient brushes their teeth after every meal, they must have regular dental visits. The advised interval is every 6 months. During these appointments, the dentist shall inspect the teeth for any onset of tooth decay, any soft tissue problem, and they will do professional cleaning. The dentist removes any debris that could not be removed by the patient.

Proper eating habits

Bacterium love acid; they literally strive in an acidic environment. The oral cavity becomes acidic every time a person eats. When this happens, it creates a conducive environment for bacteria to live. The more frequent a person eats, the more the oral cavity is exposed to an acidic environment. That is why it is advised that we limit our eating habits to three times a day. Avoidance of snacks in between meals is important.

What we eat is just as important as when we eat. There are certain foods that could be said to act as nature’s toothbrush. These are just alternatives and should never replace the toothbrush and toothpaste. Examples of these foods are crunchy fruits and vegetables like celery, carrots, and apples. Simply eat these and they will rub against the tooth surface. After eating rinse your mouth with water.

Another example of a great natural tooth cleanser are strawberries mixed with baking soda. Strawberry pulp bits could be theoretically mixed with equal parts of baking soda slurry. Rub this against the tooth surface for five minutes then rinse.

Keep hydrated

Drinking eight glasses of water a day keeps your body health as well as your mouth hydrated. Water helps swish away bacteria that are loosely attached to the tooth surface. In addition to that, it stimulates salivation.

Saliva mechanically and chemically helps fight against bacteria that causes oral problems. Just like water, it can mechanically remove any loose debris. It also has proteins and minerals like calcium that can help protect the tooth. It can remineralize the tooth thus preventing the tooth from decay.

Dry mouth or xerostomia occurs when then amount of saliva inside the oral cavity are minimal to none. People with this condition have experienced more dental problems. They are prone to dental caries, gum problems, and bad breath.

These are just some of the many ways on how to prevent dental cavities. Follow these above mentioned tips to aid in achieving optimum oral health.

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