Monday, September 16, 2019

Oregon Man Falsely Imprisoned Gets New Smile

Christopher Boots went from living
 in a jail cell to getting free dental
 care from Dr. Elizabeth Sasse 
From Tigard, Oregon, a man by the name of Christopher Boots has received twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) worth of free dental care from a well-known dentist based in Oregon. He received this care through the goodwill of the dentist by the name of Dr. Elizabeth Sasse.

A group called the Innocence Project was able to link Christopher up with Dr. Sasse for the treatment. After spending a total of eight years in the penitentiary of Oregon State, Christopher was set free after his innocence was proven In the court of law. He had been convicted of the murder of a store clerk in Springfield, Oregon in 1998.

shared his story with a group called the National Registry of Exonerations. He was freed after an informant provided authorities with the true identity of the killer in the form of fingerprint evidence. Today he now walks freely in society, albeit with some struggles. More on that later.

His case dates all the way back to 1998 where he and a friend (who was also convicted in the same case) sued the city of Springfield for a total of two million dollars. After lawyers' fees, Christopher received a total of five-hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Despite this hefty sum, he is quoted as saying, "There wasn't enough money for the time we lost but it's better than being in prison for life".

Upon gaining back his freedom Christoper stated, "I wanted my smile back, to have some decent teeth and not feel embarrassed". After granting Christopher his wish, Dr. Sasse made a statement saying, "We ended up making him four crowns. I gave him a root canal, a couple of fillings". The dental treatment was performed entirely at the Triangles Smiles office in the city of Tigard, Oregon.

Since then, Chris has said he is very grateful as he received no help from the state of Oregon. There are more appointments in store for him with Dr. Sasse. Despite the road ahead, he has expressed his gratefulness to Dr. Sasse. After completing the procedure, Dr. Sasse said, "To give Chris the ability to smile and eat more comfortably will make the world smile back, which is what he deserves".

Christopher has openly struggled with drug use since his release. However, he is actively seeking treatment. As far as we are concerned, this is reasonable after being unlawfully imprisoned for over eight years. We here at wish the best for Chris on his road to exceptional dental health. 
"Pigi B"by orsorama is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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